Thursday, October 20, 2011

Right and Wrong


Tonight's topic is not about music but about wrong choices an how they effect our lives. My daughter came to me with a very disturbing story of a little girl that was on video doing things she shouldn't have been doing.  The 14 yr old was willing and knew people were watching, was she wrong? yes. She should not be proud of what she has done but at the same time, people posting the video and the originator of the video should be charged with child pornography.  This is a child right or wrong she is still a child.  People are saying they don't feel sorry for her, she knew what she was doing. Think about it, think about where that child's mind was to allow that to happen. She thought she was going to keep the boy that she gave her virginity to, she may think that she loves him, whatever the case may be it was a desperate attempt to try an hold on to what she thought was best for her. Her choices now will affect her for the rest of her life. She made the wrong choice but should this be made into the next big thing. I hope the little girl is ok and her family is there for her, it would be ashame to lose a young life because people on the internet don't know how to act.  Everyone one has done things that they shouldn't have. Imagine if everything you have done was on tape for the world to see, would you have your job now, your spouse, your friends and family?  How would your life be if your  skeletons were visible for the world to see? I think You Tube should block the videos and let this child be. This will be a milestone in her life that she will never be able to live down, no help is needed  from people sitting on the internet with nothing better to do in their lives but laugh at someone's pain.


  1. "Imagine if everything you have done was on tape for the world to see, would you have your job now, your spouse, your friends and family?" This profound statement alone could make people shiver!

  2. How would people feel if this was happening to their daughter, mom, or sister. Something that people need to realize as a wise man once said is every time you point your finger at someone else (whether it be through laughter, animosity, or in judgement), three point right back at you!
