Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Path

There are times in your life when you have to sit back an think about your choices. I have come to realize that some of my choices have put me on a path that at this point can still be changed. As I learn the Music business more and more each day, I find that many should change the path that their on. This Industry is not for every one and requires work, effort, heart and a passion for the business. Look within yourself and at your goals, if your not meeting your own requirements it's time for you to change your path. Learn from others, take advise, research, find a team that you can depend on and most important, be real and true to yourself.


  1. hey baby...stopping by to show my babygirl some LOVE!!!!!

  2. lol thank you... Im gonna start using this now as much as I can.. have to get used to it first.

  3. More good stuff on your blog as usual! For many this is a tough one to swallow. It is the hard truth that a lot of people do not want to hear. Hopefully these people will one day be able to swallow this truth and accept the criticism and critiques that will help move them forward.
